Information Security: 4. DES


2 min read


Two Types of Cipher

  1. stream cipher
    • prone to error or loss
  2. block cipher
    • partial errors don't affect entire data

N-bits Encryption

  • example: n=2
    00 => 11
    01 => 10
    10 => 00
    11 => 01
  • It needs a table of 2^n * n bits

Feistel Cipher

  • Encryption
Input: n=32
[ LE0 | RE0 ]

Round 1:
    LE1 = RE0
    t = F(RE0, K1)
    RE1 = LE0 XOR t

[ LE1 | RE1 ]

Round 2:
    LE2 = RE1
    t = F(RE1, K2)
    RE2 = LE1 XOR t

[ LE2 | RE2 ]

Round 16:

[ LE16 | RE16 ]

Last (swap):
    LE17 = RE16
    RE17 = LE16

[ LE17 | RE17]
  • Input size and round iteration can be optimized
  • Decryption
[ LD0 | RD0 ] (= LE17, RE17)

    LD1 = RE17
    t = F(RE17, K16)
    RD1 = LE17 XOR t

[ LD1 | RD1 ]


[ LD16 | RD16 ]

    LD17 = RD16
    RD17 = LD16

[ LD17 | RD17 ] (Plaintext)
  • Explain
    LD1 = RD0 = LE16 = RE15
    RD1 = LD0 XOR F(RD0, K16)
      = RE16 XOR F(LE16, K16)
      = LE15 XOR F(RE15, K16) XOR F(LE16, K16)
      = LE15 XOR F(RE15, K16) XOR F(RE16, K16)
      = LE15 XOR 0
      = LE15

Simplified DES (SDES)

  • Example

    • Input: 8-bit
    • Key: 10-bit; additional keys can be derived
  • SDES Practice

    • Plaintext = 0111 0010
    • Key = 10100 00010

Sub-key generation

  • P10
    • change position
    • 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 -> 3 5 2 7 4 10 1 9 8 6
  • LS-1
    • left shift 1 (LSB will be at RSB)
  • P8
    • 6 3 7 4 8 5 10 9 (1, 2 not used)
  • LS-2
    • left shift 2 (LS-1 twice)


  • IP; initial permutation
    • change position (like P10)
  • E/P; extend permutation
    • 1 2 3 4 -> 4 1 2 3 2 3 4 1
  • S0-box
    • with a 4*4 matrix
    • xyzw -> xw, yz
    • output = matrix[xw][yz]
    • 0b0110 => matrix[0b00][0b11]
  • S1-box; same but different matrix
  • SW; swap
  • IP^-1
    • 4 1 3 5 7 2 8 6


  • same but using keys in reversed order